@bushwickleadershs It’s official! We have a Tech Squad now! Shout-o 8th and 9th graders, apply today using the My Scho 8th and 9th graders, apply today using the My Scho 8th and 9th graders, apply today using the My Scho Interested students can apply for our CTE Data Sci Today we had our second annual LGBTQ+ Pride Event. We are excited and honored to host a Lighthouse Co Today we had the pleasure of having the @fdny prov Wow! What a beautiful sight! Today we conducted an instructional walkthrough as Thank you to all the students, staff and families Thank you @christianzeron for inspiring our young At BLHS we support the post secondary plans of all Today was a wonderful demonstration of what is pos Captured here is the Algebra I Dream Team doing wh This is how love shows up in our school community! Time for some recruiting at the @brooklynnorthhs h Joy and celebration was the vibe today during our Supporting students with post secondary plans is t Today we had our first ever student club fair duri Load More... Follow on Instagram