Our School Campus
Our school is located on the 4th and 3rd floors of a shared building located at 976 Seneca Avenue, at the corner of Seneca Ave. and Centre Street in Ridgewood, Queens. We are accessible by train (Seneca Ave. station on the M line, Halsey St. station on the L line) and by bus (the B26, B38, Q55, Q20 bus lines). Our main entrance is located on Centre Street.
What You’ll Find by Floor
Our shared building has a ground floor, and a first through fourth floor. The ground floor is where the auditorium and lunch room are located. The second floor is where the gym is located. The third floor is where our Community Based Organization (CBO), Good Shepard Services is located along with some of our classrooms. The fourth floor is where our main office, principal’s office, guidance counselors’ office and majority of classrooms are located.
Organization of School Day and Year
The School Year, Terms and Marking Periods
For the 2023-24 school year, the first day of school is Thursday September 7, 2023. A calendar of major school events, holidays, parent-teacher conferences and more is shared on our website here.
Term 1 begins September 7, 2023 and ends on January 19, 2024. Term 2 begins January 20, 2024 and ends on June 26, 2024.
Term 1:
Marking Period | Start Date | End Date | Teacher Grade Submission Date |
1 | 9/5/24 | 10/18/24 | 10/23/24 |
2 | 10/21/24 | 12/6/24 | 12/11/24 |
3 | 12/9/24 | 1/17/25 | 1/22/25 |
4 | 1/22/25 |
Term 2:
Marking Period | Start Date | End Date | Grades Due |
1 | 1/28/25 | 3/14/25 | 3/19/25 |
2 | 3/17/25 | 5/2/25 | 5/7/25 |
3 | 5/5/25 | 6/12/25 | 6/16/25 |
4 | 6/16/25 |
Bell Schedule
Below is our bell schedule for the school year.
Period | Start | End |
1 | 8:00 | 8:45 |
2 | 8:48 | 9:33 |
3 | 9:36 | 10:21 |
4 | 10:24 | 11:09 |
5 | 11:12 | 11:57 |
6 | 12:00 | 12:45 |
7 | 12:48 | 1:32 |
8 | 1:35 | 2:20 |
After School Program
Our After-School program promotes education, youth development, leadership skills, critical thinking, and high school readiness, while also allowing participants to explore their creativity through subjects like art and music or learn about topics such as nutrition community service. We also have an academic tutoring that helps students improve and build their knowledge in Mathematics and English. As the school year develops, we host showcases and various celebrations where students present what they are learning and are given the opportunity to practice their public speaking, explore their creative side and build their confidence, all while having a wonderful time together. Our school community, parents, and friends come together for evenings such as Friendsgiving, Holiday Showcase, Black History Month, Women’s Month, and our annual Talent Show. Finally, to close out the school year, we organize a community carnival event for the entire neighborhood of Bushwick.
Here are some of the different clubs/activities offered in the program:
- Anime Club
- Art Club
- Barbershop
- Boxing
- Dance Group
- Drama/Theatre
- Film & Digital Photography
- Sports/Team Building
- Cooking Class
- Study Hall/Tutoring
School Policies
To learn about the school policies listed below please visit our school policies page.
- Attendance
- Grading
- Dress Code
- Use of Electronic Devices
- COVID-19
HS Graduation Requirements
To graduate from high school with a Regents diploma students need to accumulate a total of 44 credits by the end of their senior year. One credit is earned for each course taken. The 44 credits must be earned in specific subjects as shown in the table below.
Subject | Credits Needed for Regents Diploma | Credits Needed for Advanced Regents Diploma |
English | 8 | 8 |
Mathematics | 6 | 6 |
Science | 6 | 6 |
Social Studies | 8 | 8 |
Art | 2 | 2 |
Physical Education | 4 | 4 |
Health | 1 | 1 |
Languages Other Than English (LOTE) | 2 | 6 |
Electives | 7 | 3 |
Total | 44 | 44 |
In addition to credit requirements students must also take and pass Regents exams in order to graduate from high school. These exam requirements are shown in the table below.
Subject | Exams | Score Needed for Regents Diploma | Score Needed for Advanced Regents Diploma |
English |
65+ | 65+ |
Mathematics |
65+ on one exam | 65+ on three exams |
Science |
65+ on one exam | 65+ on Living Environment and one other exam |
Social Studies |
65+ on one exam | 65+ on one exam |
Languages Other Than English (LOTE) |
Not Required | 65+ on one LOTE exam |
+1 Option |
Requirements Vary | Requirements Vary |
Total Exams Passed | 5 | 9 |
At the beginning of each term students are provided with a Progress-To-Graduation (PTG) Report that shows their progress towards meeting credit and exam requirements needed for graduation. This report is reviewed with each student individually at least once a year with the principal and/or school counselor to ensure they are on track to graduate on time.
For more detailed information about graduation requirements please review this resource.
Progress to Graduation Milestones by Grade
Students can use the milestones below to ensure they are on the right track to graduate high school within four years with a Regents diploma.
9th Grade Milestones
- Have earned 2 credits in English
- Have earned 2 credits in Math
- Have earned 2 credits in Science
- Have earned 2 credits in Social Studies
- Have earned 1.16 credits in Physical Education
- Have passed 1 Regents exam
10th Grade Milestones
- Have earned 4 credits in English
- Have earned 4 credits in Math
- Have earned 4 credits in Science
- Have earned 4 credits in Social Studies
- Have earned 2.32 credits in Physical Education
11th Grade Milestones
- Have earned 6 credits in English
- Have earned 6 credits in Math
- Have earned 6 credits in Science
- Have earned 6 credits in Social Studies
- Have earned 3.48 credits in Physical Education
- Have passed 3 Regents exam
12th Grade Milestones
- Have earned 8 credits in English
- Have earned 6 credits in Math
- Have earned 6 credits in Science
- Have earned 8 credits in Social Studies
- Have earned 4 credits in Physical Education
- Have earned 1 credit in Health
- Have earned 2 credits in Art
- Have earned 2 credits in LOTE
- Have passed 5 Regents exam
Bushwick Leaders High School Technology Initiatives
Students are responsible for all Bushwick Leaders’ technology equipment used in school and issued to them during the academic school year. We have an onsite technology support staff and online links that can assist with any technical questions or issues you may have during your school year.
Bushwickleaders.org Google Account Migration
Effective September 4, 2021 students will now be using nycstudents.net accounts for all student online activities. Don’t worry, Google Drive information in your Bushwickleaders.org account will be moved to the new nycstudents.net account. With this account (nycstudents.net), students can access everything they may need for their entire journey in the NYCDOE including Zoom, Microsoft and Google Tools, report cards and more. This will allow for a single location to access all your information and communication.
Technology Considerations
- Follow all school and class rules to ensure a safe and productive academic experience
- Act responsibly to all—both online and face-to-face individuals
- Collaborate in positive ways that help you learn and embrace various forms of technology
- Use technology to support an inclusive school community and learning environment
- Only use accounts that belong to you
- Protect passwords—don’t share them with others
- Don’t automatically save passwords on public use school devices
- Don’t give out personal information online without your parent’s permission
Helpful Technology Links
Bushwick Leaders’ High School is part of the NYC PSAL (Public School Athletic League) and partners with EBC High School. We are proud to offer our students sports teams in the following:
- Basketball Boys Varsity
- Basketball Girls Varsity
- Handball Boys Varsity
- Soccer Boys Varsity
- Softball Girls Varsity
- Tennis Girls Varsity
- Volleyball Girls Varsity
For more information on PSAL, please see here to learn more or see Assistant Principal, Ms. Gabriel or Mr. Francis for more information.
If you are interested in intermural sports, Bushwick Leaders’ offers a full afterschool program through GSS (Good Shepherd Services) with a variety of sports options. Please see any GSS staff or Jean Poyo, our GSS after School Director, for more information.
Student Clubs and Organizations
Bushwick Leaders’ National Honor Society Chapter
The National Honor Society (NHS) elevates a school’s commitment to the values of scholarship, service, leadership, and character. These four pillars have been associated with membership in the organization since its inception in 1921. Chapter membership not only recognizes students for their accomplishments but challenges them to develop further through active involvement in school activities and community service. As such, NHS chapters and students are in schools that care not only about student achievement, but also community engagement. NHS students and their peers volunteer in their communities at the highest rates and make connecting with and serving within the community a priority. NHS organization quickly developed into one of the country’s leading educational groups.
In 2021 NHS celebrated its centennial anniversary. Visit the NHS page to learn more.
Bushwick Leaders’ local chapter information can be found here. Our NHS Constitution can be found here. For more information about National Honor Society at Bushwick Leaders HS you can reach out to Mr. Schettini at eschettinijr@schools.nyc.gov.
My Brother’s Keeper
My Brother’s Keeper (MBK) and the MBK Alliance is a national initiative created by President Obama in February 2014. MBK addresses opportunity gaps that young men of color face for young men of color to reach their full potential. New York State is the only state in America that has MBK codified in our state law; MBK New York State is championed by Dr. Lester Young and a team of committed individuals throughout our state.
BLHS has an official MBK chapter. Our chapter initially began as a student club during the 2017 school year. Our club became an official chapter during the 2019 school year. One of our founding student members, John Beato, was selected to represent Brooklyn North as our MBK Fellow within the New York State MBK initiative.
Many of our founding members have graduated from BLHS and we are looking forward to building a strong MBK chapter at BLHS once again. Our MBK chapter meets twice a month for social gatherings, and special trips and chapter members work together on a school improvement project of their choice. Interested students may also contact Mr. Santos (MBK school-based mentor) at ksantos3@schools.nyc.gov.
Here are some additional resources about MBK:
My Sister’s Keeper
My Sister’s Keeper (MSK) is a New York City Department of Education Initiative to promote gender equity, empower and engage girls and young women. Here is more information!
Here at Bushwick Leaders, the chapter was founded in 2021 by the Class of 2021 alum, Taylor Williams with the support of the advisors, Ms. Peters-Camille and Ms. Gabriel. The BLHS MSK chapter is a fellowship between the different classes of females in our school community. BLHS MSK wants all the grades to intertwine, to be there for one another, and to inspire and promote ways to build up each other. Through the MSK, we will not only provide support, but we will strive for greatness and allow for other girls to be motivated by our actions, so that they can be great too. Look out for more information this fall 2021!
Student Government
Student voice is extremely important at BLHS. Our Student Government is a space for student leaders in our school community to manage a wide range of events, activities, programs, policies and initiatives around school. Here at BLHS our student government has worked collaboratively with our Students in Action Club to provide students with platforms and information to discuss current events surrounding social injustices, community events and issues, and ways to make a difference. Additionally our student government works with various programs supported by the Civics for All initiative, our SLT (school leadership team), and GSS programs. If interested, please reach out to Mr. McCabe or Mr. Marrone for more information.
PM Schoolt
PM School
Our PM School program provides an excellent opportunity for students to recover credits needed to meet graduation requirements outside of the regular school day. Students can also prepare for Regents exams or accelerate their progress toward graduation. The classes are small, and the teachers provide personalized instruction to make sure you are successful. Most classes meet at least two afternoons per week. We will provide additional details when school starts. Feel free to contact your school counselor or Mr. Beauford at abeauford@schools.nyc.gov for more information.
Center for Supportive Schools (CSS)
Founded in 1979, the Center for Supportive Schools (CSS) helps schools become places where students want to be. CSS is driven by the vision that one day, all children will thrive in schools that graduate them prepared for the rigors of college and lives filled with meaningful work, active citizenship, and personal fulfillment. Covid Resource Guide
Student Trips
Trips are an important part of the student experience at BLHS. Fortunately, we’re in New York City which affords us many opportunities to explore many diverse educational and cultural institutions. As New York City re-opens we look forward to going on trips with you. We believe in trips as a powerful educational opportunity as well as providing an opportunity for our community (students, staff, and faculty) to bond over a shared experience.
College and Career Readiness
Traditionally we have chaperoned students twice a year to colleges and universities throughout New York City and New York State. We also host an overnight college trip for upperclassmen. Students will have visited at least six college campuses before senior year.
Social-Emotional Learning
Additionally, we pride ourselves in our service-learning trips. Students work with their advisors to choose an organization (within NYC) and perform a variety of tasks in the name of community service. Students will have completed eight service-learning projects upon graduation from BLHS. Service-Learning projects and trips will teach you about a specific need that a community may have and enable you to use your abilities to create positive change in that community.
Academic Readiness
Finally, many teachers organize trips related to specific happenings in their classrooms. Students may visit museums or see plays and musicals as part of a class experience.
School Rituals
Two of the most coveted traditions at BLHS is our Annual Celebration of Brotherhood and our Annual Celebration of Sisterhood. These day long events provide powerful discussions, resources, and celebrations with our school community, community organizations, families, our alumni, and most importantly ourselves as student leaders! The themes align with the global celebrations and the Sisterhood event generally happens in March and the Brotherhood event in April. The day always ends with advisory presentations and celebrations.
Noche de Gala
Every June, our school community celebrates our students, teachers and staff at our annual awards night! The evening includes dinner, dancing and distinction! It is an event you absolutely want to be a part of!
African & Indigenous Heritage Celebration (Formerly Hispanic Heritage)
Every fall, the BLHS community formally celebrates the cultures of our school and community. Students and staff, with the support of their families, share stories, dances, poems, songs, and a traditional country flag celebration during an evening showcase.
Student Resources
Counseling Services
- The Door- services providing reproductive health care and education, mental health counseling, and crisis assistance: https://door.org/
- New York Psychotherapy & Counseling Center- a community-oriented mental health organization that provides exceptional services to NYC children, adolescents, and adults: https://nypcc.org/
- Safe Horizon – Mental Health services, specializes in the treatment of trauma https://www.safehorizon.org/
- The Trevor Project — LGBTQIA+ mental health resource, crisis hotline, and text services https://www.thetrevorproject.org/resources/
- NYC Well — NYC based Crisis hotline and text, referral to other mental health resources https://nycwell.cityofnewyork.us/en/
- Bleuler Psychotherapy –Quality Mental Health Care and Substance Abuse Services https://www.bleulerpc.org/
- The Center: At The Center we believe that you should celebrate who you are, what makes you unique and why you matter. For members of our lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and questioning (LGBTQ) youth community, we provide a safe, inclusive and affirming environment to foster relationships, personal and professional skills and the evolution of identity. Open to young people between the ages of 13-21, our programs build self-esteem and help ready you for various life stages. We also offer a first-of-its kind substance use treatment program to help LGBTQ young people, ages 13 and older, make healthy decisions about drugs and alcohol. https://gaycenter.org/family-youth/youth/
Family Assistance
- The Safe Homes Project- services for domestic violence survivors in our community that provides an assistance hotline, shelter, counseling, legal advocacy, and support groups: http://goodshepherds.org/program/safe-homes/
- Single Stop- a Good Shepherds program that assists students and their families with applying for social services, including SNAP, unemployment benefits, NYCHA lease renewals, and health insurance. Contact Person- Rosanna Cruz: rosanna_cruz@goodshepherds.org
Tel: 718-346-200 Ext. 20104 (Office) 646-784-0990 (cell) - Family Assessment Program- Any family can get help from the ACS Family Assessment Program. FAP provides support to families that are struggling with everyday challenges. FAP works to strengthen families, reduce conflict, and connect your family to many services that provide ongoing support in your community. It helps families handle concerns such as a child running away, skipping school, or disruptive behavior, without having to go to court. https://www1.nyc.gov/site/acs/justice/family-assessment-program.page
- Homebase: Homebase provides New Yorkers experiencing housing instability with various homeless prevention services and aftercare services to families and individuals exiting NYC DHS shelter to permanent housing. You may be eligible for Homebase services if you:
- Are at imminent risk of entering the New York City shelter system
- Are low-income
- Want to remain stably housed in your community
- Make the Road NY: Education, Health and Legal Services
Mental Health and Wellness
- Mental Health Literacy: Learn the language of mental health from this Canada-based website. https://mentalhealthliteracy.org/
- Teen Dating Violence/Domestic Violence: Learn about creating and maintaining healthy relationships. Get support for an unhealthy relationship.
- https://www.loveisrespect.org/
Sexual Health
Teens in New York State have a legal right to get any of these services without the permission or knowledge of parents, guardians, boyfriends, girlfriends, relatives or anyone else.
- Call 311 or text 311NYC (311692) for a Teens in NYC clinic referral, at any time.
- Teens in NYC (PDF), a wallet-sized guide of the clinics listed is linked here:
- Get free condoms and sexual health information from your health resource room. Health Resource Room Information will be posted online as well as on posters in the school building.
- Teen Speak (Sexual Health) brochure in English and Spanish.
Substance Abuse
- NYC Well — NYC based Crisis hotline and text, referral to other mental health resources https://nycwell.cityofnewyork.us/en/
- NIDA for Teens: Science-based information on teen drug-use and its effects. https://teens.drugabuse.gov/
- Al-Anon Teen Corner: A place just for teens affected by someone else’s alcoholism.